Channel: OriginalWickedfun
Category: Gaming
Tags: digital extremes25/04angelactsalt helmwhenwickedfun04/25ps5this weekvol 1warframe gameplayweek ofteshinnew25th april 2022kuva25th aprilsteel pathnew actsresetoriginal wickedfunsteel essensenintendoshopweekwarframeupdateformaangels of the zarimanfixescredsweeklyswitchsteel essenceplaystationangelsfreemixrewardnewscredephemeranightwave2022xboxstorewarframe (video game)cred offeringspcweekly rotationtimeriven
Description: #warframe #news #Weekly What does Nora, Teshin and Helminth have install for us with new acts and new rewards for week starting 25th april 2022. Remember, last week of the 9 year anniversary starts 25th but more importantly, angels of the zariman arrives on the 27th on all platforms too! My glyph is now universal and the code "ORIGINALWICKEDFUN" claimable at will now work on PC, Xbox, Switch and Playstation. Can easily claim it by going to the following URL: My Discord- Clan Discord- outro Title Kevin MacLeod ( Track name (unknown) "Creator Program" Member Since 6th August 2020